F. Operation and Maintenance of Property

(Note: OLPM sections on this page may be cited following the format of, for example, "UNH.VI.F.1.1". These policies may be amended at any time, do not constitute an employment contract, and are provided here only for ease of reference and without any warranty of accuracy. See OLPM Main Menu for details.)

1.ÌýÌýÌýThe Space Allocation, Repairs and Renovations Committee Space Transfer Process


1.1.1Ìý  According to the charter of the Space Allocation, Repairs and Renovation Committee (SARRC), this committee has "ultimate responsibility for" (among other things): (1) Approving the allocation of space in all University buildings, and (2) Approving changes in the use of University lands and buildings.

1.1.2ÌýÌý Transfer of space between "functional units" is an important mechanism for ensuring the efficient utilization of this resource. It has been the history of SARRC, and remains the expectation of the University, that most space transfers will result from plans that are agreeable to all parties. However, when contrasting proposals for the use of space arise, a well-defined and open process for reviewing and deciding among alternatives is essential to ensure fairness and full participation by all parties.

1.1.3ÌýÌýÌýAs stated in the Charter, "reassignments of space contained within a functional unit, and any attendant costs, are ordinarily the responsibility of the administrator of that unit." Thus the process described here pertains only to requests to transfer space between "functional units" on campus. Under the current decentralized financial system, (Responsibility Center Management, or RCM) functional units are equivalent to RC units.

1.2ÌýÌýÌýProcess. Proposals to reassign space on campus can be of two types:

1.2.1ÌýÌýÌý(A) the two units involved may be in agreement about the transfer, or (B) the units may disagree.ÌýÌýÌýUnder the first condition (A), the proposal may be brought to SARRC as a simple listing of the spaces involved. SARRC will review the request and may ask for staff analysis of impacts, followed by committee decision.ÌýÌýÌýUnder the second condition (B), requests for transfer of space between RC units will begin with a proposal submitted to SARRC by the unit proposing to acquire the space in question. This proposal should contain:Ìý  A detailed description of the spaces involved (e.g. building name and room numbers)ÌýÌýÌýA full description of the proposed uses for those spacesÌý  A description of the relevance of the transfer to University goals, as described in the Academic Plan and the Campus Master PlanÌýÌýÌýA quantitative and programmatic justification that space is needed by the receiving unit, and that the transfer will increase the efficiency of utilization and quality of programs; this justification should reference the unit’s three-year space utilization and needs planÌýÌý A projected budget for the costs of occupying and renovating the space, including the source of funds to be used for such expenses and the estimated on-going facilities charges for the acquired space

1.2.2ÌýÌýÌýPrior to submitting a proposal to SARRC, the proposing unit must share its proposal with the unit to which the space is currently assigned. The affected units are expected to engage in good faith discussions intended to resolve the issues, resulting in a voluntary agreement. If a voluntary agreement is still not possible, the affected unit has the right to submit its request to maintain the status quo (or to submit a counter-proposal) to SARRC. This response should be submitted to SARRC within 45 days of receiving initial notification from the proposing unit.

1.2.3Ìý  Upon receipt of a proposal and any response from the affected unit, SARRC will commission an independent analysis of the utilization of the spaces described and the financial and programmatic impact of the transfer on both units.

1.2.4ÌýÌýÌýUpon completion of this analysis, the Vice President(s) responsible for the units involved will meet with the Deans and/or Directors and attempt to resolve any disagreements arising from the proposed transfer. If agreement is reached, the process described for condition A) above will be followed

1.2.5ÌýÌýÌýIf agreement cannot be reached, SARRC will review all available information relating to the current and proposed use of the spaces involved. Voting members of the committee will decide, by simple majority, whether all, some, or none of the spaces will be transferred.

1.2.6Ìý  If a contested transfer is approved by SARRC, any change in space assignment will take place no sooner than 6 months, and normally no later than 9 months, after the date of approval.

1.2.7ÌýÌý All contested transfers will be reviewed for renewal or reassignment by SAARC three years after the date of the move.

8.ÌýÌý Special Events Property Management

8.1ÌýÌý Applicability: This procedure applies to all University property during the entire academic year beginning with the first day of classes and extending through Commencement weekend.


8.2.1ÌýÌýÌýCore mission activities are those provided by and restricted to University employees (faculty, staff and administrators), students and alumni, the cost of which is paid in full by University funds.

8.2.2ÌýÌý Property Managers are University employees who have direct managerial responsibility for the oversight, operation and scheduling of University buildings and grounds.

8.2.3Ìý  An Event Manager is the individual who contacts Property Managers for the purpose of scheduling the use of University properties.

8.2.4Ìý  Special events are non-core mission activities which require the use of University buildings and/or grounds.


8.3.1ÌýÌýÌýEnsure that core mission activities receive priority use of University facilities without limitations caused by special events;

8.3.2Ìý  Maximize the use of University facilities without exceeding the reasonable capacity of University parking facilities;

8.3.3Ìý  Minimize the negative impact of special events at the University on the Town of Durham;

8.3.4Ìý  Provide effective internal communications between property managers and the Department of Transportation and UNH Police;

8.3.5ÌýÌý Increase sensitivity to the parking needs of special event participants prior to confirming special event schedules.


8.4.1ÌýÌýÌýProperty Managers will be responsible for maintaining on-going communications with the Event Manager, Director of Transportation and Chief of UNH Police regarding the parking needs and schedule of special events.

8.4.2ÌýÌýÌýDirector of Transportation will maintain a master calendar of the demands placed on parking facilities and advise Property Managers and the Vice President for Finance and Administration when reasonable parking capacity will be exceeded.

8.4.3ÌýÌýÌýThe Chief of UNH Police will determine safety and security coverage, and the logistics of vehicular and pedestrian traffic in support of special events.

8.4.4Ìý  Event Managers shall work with the Property Manager, Director of Transportation and Chief of UNH Police in order to receive all necessary directions and instructions for their special event participants and communicate the same to the participants.


8.5.1Ìý  Property Managers will maintain the schedule of events for the properties under their management. Prior to confirming a special event schedule, the Property Manager shall communicate with the Director of Transportation in order to confirm availability of parking.

8.5.2ÌýÌý The Property Manager shall provide to the Director of Transportation the name of the special event group, the number of participants, the time-date-place(s) of the group's on-campus activities, and the name of the Event Manager.

8.5.3Ìý  The Director of Transportation will specify time, date and place of available parking for the special event. If reasonable parking is not available, the Director of Transportation shall communicate to the Property Manager and the Vice President for Finance and Administration the impending over-subscription of parking capacity.

8.5.4ÌýÌý In such cases when reasonable parking is not available, confirmation of the special event by the Property Manager will be suspended pending review by the Vice Presidents and President.