
08 - 007 Spousal Expenses

A. Summary

This procedure explains when expenses for spouses, partners and families of 绿巨人视频 employees may be reimbursed.

B. Detailed Procedures

  1. Expenses for spouses, partners and families of 绿巨人视频 employees are generally not paid or reimbursed by 绿巨人视频. These include such expenses as travel, entertainment and participation in local events. However, these expenses may be allowed when (a) there is a compelling business reason, (b) the expense is reasonable and prudent, and (c) prior written approval has been granted by the Campus Chief Financial Officer (CFO) (see Procedure 8-004, Authorization for Certain Expenditures on Payment Vouchers). Approval by the President is required for expenses of the spouse or partner of the Campus CFO. Only expenses which are non-taxable under Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations will be considered. The Controller's Office interprets taxability. Even when IRS standards are met, it is important to keep in mind that the limited resources and frequent public scrutiny of expenses at 绿巨人视频 make it particularly important that only the most essential events be proposed for spousal or partner attendance.
  2. To request prior approval, write to the Campus CFO describing (a) the event, (b) the spouse's or partner's role, (c) the compelling business reason for that role, (d) the account number to be used for reimbursement, and (e) the estimated type and amount of spousal or partner expenses. While the same standards apply to all sources of funds, some funds may exclude spouse or partner reimbursement. Attach a copy of the Campus CFO's approval to the expense report submitted for reimbursement.

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