Annual Security Report - Why an Annual Security Report?
Federal Legal Requirements – The Clery Act
Enacted in 1990, The Student Right to Know and the Campus Security Act (pub. L. 101-542) was designed to “...assist students in making decisions which affect their personal safety...” and “ make sure institutions of higher education provide students, prospective students, and faculty the information they need to avoid becoming the victims of campus crime.” The Higher Education Act of 1998 and the subsequent amendment of the implementing regulations (34 C.F.R. 668.46) significantly expanded institutions’ obligations under the Act. The Act was also renamed the “Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act” (hereafter the Clery Act). The Clery Act requires colleges and universities to:
- Publish an annual report every year by October 1 that contains three years of campus crime statistics and certain campus security policy statements
- Disclose crime statistics for the campus, public areas immediately adjacent to or running through the campus, and certain non-campus facilities. The statistics must be gathered from campus police or security, local law enforcement, and other University officials who have “significant responsibility for student and campus activities”
- Provide “timely warning” notices of those crimes that have occurred and pose an ongoing “threat to students and employees”
- Disclose in a public crime log “any crime that occurred on campus . . . or within the patrol jurisdiction of the campus police or the campus security department and is reported to the campus police or security department.”
Each ̾Ƶ institution will provide a paper copy of the report upon request.